As Presa Di Finica Hotel & Suites, with the aim of sustainable tourism in the tourism sector.
Conservation of natural resources, implementation of environmentally friendly practices, contributing to local communities and raising awareness of our employees on sustainable tourism are the points we draw attention to.
Raising Awareness of Our Employees on Sustainable Tourism
As Presa Di Finica Hotel & Suites, we ensure that our employees are conscious of sustainable tourism. We aim to increase the awareness of our employees about sustainable tourism and to increase their sensitivity about environmentally friendly tourism activities.
On behalf of the Protection of Natural Resources;
We know that our natural resources are not unlimited, therefore, as Presa Di Finica Hotel & Suites, we apply energy and water saving methods while carrying out our activities in our facility. We make use of energy-saving technologies such as the use of LED lighting and automatic irrigation systems, timed lighting and irrigation in our facility. In addition, we are sensitive about waste management and give priority to recycling practices.
Environmentally Friendly Practices
As part of our sustainable tourism policy, we use environmentally friendly materials and technologies. The textile products, seating areas and furniture used in our facility are produced recyclable and environmentally friendly materials.
Contributing to Local Communities
Local communities are one of the key elements of sustainable tourism. Therefore, as Presa Di Finica Hotel & Suites, we support inter-communal cooperation by contributing to the local economy. Working with local producers in our facility, we serve our guests with natural products such as fresh vegetables and fruits grown in the region. By protecting the local values of our country, we also support cultural activities such as handicrafts and regional delicacies.
Our environmentally friendly practices for guests
As Presa Di Finica Hotel & Suites, we aim to raise awareness of our guests on sustainability and introduce them to environmentally friendly practices in our facility. In this direction, we create information materials that introduce our facility's sustainability policy and practices. In addition, we aim to increase the environmental awareness of our guests by using energy and water saving practices and methods. We inform our guests about our natural beauties, historical places and national parks. We promote the geographically marked foods of our region and present them to their liking.
Waste management
Appropriate waste bins are provided in our facility to prevent pollution, separate waste at source and recycle reusable materials. We know that the recycling of waste has a great contribution to the economy and sustainability. We are planning to implement methods that generate less waste and evaluate wastes as zero waste.
We conduct events with guests, employees, local communities and other interested parties in and around our hotel to draw attention to environmental issues and sustainability activities.
In order to respond to our guests' interest in sustainable tourism practices and to provide high-quality services, we make use of up-to-date technologies and practices that respect nature.